Friday, September 13, 2013

Activate Your Account

1. First, go to

2. Click on "Login"
3. Click on “Join Now!
4. Click on “Students
5. Introduce your “Access Code” and click on “Next

Explore the website. What information about your grade do you get from this website? How can you use that information to improve your grade?

Send a message to your teacher to answer to the following questions:
1. Click on "message" tab.
2. Click on "send"
3. In the tab "To"  type "Pedro J. Soto"
4. In the tab "Subject" type "your full name - Goals" as "Amar Said - Goals"
5. In the message body include the answers to the questions below.

a. Set 2 specific goals for this semester. (20 points)
"At the end of the semester I would like to...."

b. Explain how you are going to get these goals done. (40 points)
For each goal, list 2 things you are going to do very well in class.
In order to achieve my first goal, I am going to…”

c. Describe when you are going to review your goals and discuss them with your teacher (20 points)
I will review my goals on…”
I will discuss my goals with my teacher on…”

d. Write 2 suggestion to the Living Environment teacher based on your classes and teachers last year
 (20 points)
I would suggest to…”

e. Do not forget to sign your name and period.
6. Click on "Send"
7. Click on "Sent" to check that you have sent the message correctly.

Due day: Friday, April 20th
Credits: 100 points toward Assignments & Projects

What Do You Know about Scientific Method?

Read the paragraph below:

Smithers thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given the special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, Smithers counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks.
Send a message through to answer the following questions:
1. Identify the Control Group

2. Identify the Experimental Group
3. Identify the Independent Variable

4. Identify the Dependent Variable
5. What should Smithers' conclusion be?

6. How could this experiment be improved?
Do not forget to sign your full name and period

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Class Rules & Grading Policy Poster Project

Assignment: Design 2 attractive posters to depict the Classroom Rules, the Grading Policy, as well as the Attendance and Participation grade for this class.

1. Poster includes accurate information about the Grading Policy.
(25 points)
2. Poster shows all the Classroom Rules.
(25 points)
3. Poster includes the Attendance and Participation grade. (25 points)
3. Poster is neat, well designed, attractive, artistic, and colourful.
(10 points)
4. All group members collaborate actively (15 points)

Due day: Friday, September 13th
Credits: 100 credits toward Assignments & Projects

Monday, September 9, 2013


Hi everyone and welcome to Mr. Soto’s Living Environment Blog!
In this blog I will post important information about homework, class notes, and materials regarding the Living Environment 1 class.
Visit this blog if you were absent in the class for any reason; or to recall homework, test days, and due assignments.
If you have any questions, please post a comment in response to an entry. Thanks for visiting this blog.